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the apprentice

美 [ðə əˈprentɪs]英 [ðə əˈprentɪs]
  • 网络学徒
the apprenticethe apprentice
  1. They are going to break in the apprentice as a lathe operator .


  2. The apprentice system is a kind of traditional occupation education form .


  3. The apprentice is not yet out of his time .


  4. The Apprentice ? Is that the real TV show ?


  5. if the apprentice wishes to produce good work ,


  6. The apprentice watched his master and then followed suit .


  7. He spent four years as the apprentice of a master starting from age12 .


  8. And he had his arm outstretched like someone out of The Apprentice .


  9. Young people receive a warped idea of business from the apprentice and news stories about the behaviour of bankers .


  10. I know this because I have spent many hours watching reality TV shows such as The Apprentice and America 's Next Top Model .


  11. The apprentice has an educational subtext , and trump University and my books are educational tools .


  12. The apprentice fried the beef has been old , with difficulty cut by biting radically .


  13. Cameron : Damn , I missed The Apprentice . Don 't tell me who got fired .


  14. When he finally lifted his bride 's veil , he discovered that he had married the apprentice .


  15. Stewart currently hosts Martha , and recently starred in The Apprentice : Martha Stewart .


  16. Deciding to co-produce and star in the apprentice .


  17. Michelle Dewberry , a former winner of The Apprentice , said the motion was patronising .


  18. The apprentice goes through a structured program established by the employer that includes incremental wage increases until he or she completes the course of training .


  19. Let me ask you this ; have you ever watched " The Apprentice " on TV ? Do you know who Donald Trump is ?


  20. Now that you are the apprentice creator , do you have other aspirations ? Do you want to still be a train driver or something else ?


  21. He had been suffocating in that atmosphere , while the apprentice 's chatter had driven him frantic .


  22. " The Apprentice " is tied with NBC 's " The West Wing " as primetime 's most upscale program .


  23. William : None of us want to be here , Beckham . I could have been tucked up in bed with Kate watching The Apprentice right now .


  24. He also often go out of the apprentice , Crown Ping , Ping Longtan , Jian Pei home and other places he has12 instructors .


  25. Students experiencing the apprentice practice will carry out all the duties of his or her displaced teacher and have more opportunities to take part in teaching activities , which is distinctive from the traditional .


  26. Omarosa Manigault Newman , who appeared on Mr Trump 's reality show The Apprentice , worked at the Office of Public Liaison until her departure was announced late last year .


  27. Atella is a teacher as well as a mage , although it has been a while since she took an apprentice . The apprentice is not yet out of his time .


  28. Different with " The Apprentice " which is hot over the lasting years , domestic business reality TV show , " Win in China " has been experienced from starting , boom , burst to closure in just three years .


  29. In this paper , " Win in China " is taken as an example compares and analysis with " The Apprentice " to try to summarize the characteristics and reformation of localization , to finally come up with an idea of how to develop the programs in China .


  30. Could the new apprentice be assigned to our shop ?
